This is the Inspector-General for Emergency Management's fifth progress report on the Victorian Government's implementation of commitments in response to the 2016 Inquiry into the CFA Training College at Fiskville (External link).

About the Fiskville Inquiry

Located between Ballarat and Melbourne, Fiskville was the principal CFA training centre from 1972 until its closure in 2015 due to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination.

The inquiry, conducted by the Victorian Parliament’s Environment, Natural Resources and Regional Development Committee, made 31 recommendations on topics including:

  • occupational health and safety
  • environmental regulation
  • research and monitoring of PFAS health effects
  • redress for people affected by Fiskville's contamination.

The Victorian Government supported all 31 recommendations.

In December 2016 the then Minister for Emergency Services requested that IGEM monitor and report on the implementation of all 33 commitments made by the government in response to the inquiry.

This report details activity by lead departments and agencies to implement the five commitments that remained in progress as of August 2021. It focuses on the period August 2021 to July 2022 and provides information on key developments since then.

IGEM finds that two of the five commitments in progress as of August 2021 are now complete and that the other three remain in progress.

Significant milestones since IGEM's last report include:

  • the opening of the new Central Highlands training centre by the CFA in 2021
  • the announcement of the Fiskville Redress Scheme.

The Implementation of government commitments in response to the Inquiry into the CFA Training College at Fiskville - Progress Report - 2022 was published on 7 July 2023.

You can access the report from the link at the bottom of this page or view as a flipbook (External link).

Inspector-General for Emergency Management
Inspector-General for Emergency Management, Victorian Government
Date of Publication

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