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Report name
Review of 10 years of reform in Victoria's emergency management sector
Lead agency
EMV - Emergency Management Victoria
Due date
March 2021
IGEM considers that this action has been implemented as part of business-as-usual activity
Recommendation theme
Recommendation 3: Community preparedness
Recommendation details

The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that Emergency Management Victoria – in collaboration with the community and emergency management sector – develop and promote a preparedness strategy that:
•    is relevant to all emergencies
•    is aligned with existing, consistent and accessible preparedness message
•    includes a clear, consistent and accessible preparedness message
•    builds on the community preparedness work of the Australian Red Cross
•    considers leading practice from other jurisdictions


The VicEmergency App and website have been designed to promote shared responsibility for all emergencies, providing platforms to share information to empower individuals to make informed decisions and better support their communities. The 'Prepare and Get Ready' section of the VicEmergency App and website detail what preparedness arrangements communities can undertake to avoid situations becoming an emergency, and what they can expect in response to one. EMV will continue to enhance this section to inform action-based community preparedness.

Summary of progress

IGEM notes this action is an affirmation of existing business-as-usual activity.

The VicEmergency app and website provides a centralised location to access timely Victorian emergency information and warnings for incidents such as fires, floods, storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, weather warnings, shark sightings, and beach closures. 

Individuals can also access preparedness and relief and recovery information related to emergencies.  The Prepare and Get Ready section of the VicEmergency app and website details key information about planning for different emergencies (before, during, and after the event). 

EMV advised that it engages annually with agencies to review the accuracy and relevance of information in the Prepare and Get Ready section. For example, in late 2020, EMV worked with VICSES to update the flood information on the Prepare and Get Ready tab with a video campaign on sandbagging and revised content on what to do before a flood. 

EMV advised that the consideration of future enhancements will be managed as part of business-as-usual activity.