The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that Emergency Management Victoria – in consultation with relevant agencies – develop a system to manage personnel and asset deployments to all tiers of incident management to meet the needs of the emergency and support the health and wellbeing of personnel.
Where appropriate and within occupational health and safety requirements, this may include:
a) standardised shift rosters across agencies and incident management tiers
b) a single or integrated platform to allow consistent recording of shift times and locations
c) records of accreditation, qualification, training and currency.
EMV will, in consultation with all agencies, develop consolidated fatigue management guidance to inform multi-agency incident operations.
EM-COP contains fatigue management guidelines and related documents for six agencies (CFA, DELWP, DJPR, EMV, FRV and VICSES). EMV advised that compliance with and approvals for the variation or extension of fatigue management requirements remains the responsibility of the individual and their agency.
EMV advised that through its coordination role it will continue to ensure that the various applicable agency fatigue management guidelines and related documents are available during multi-agency emergencies.
As per Action 14.3, EMV plan to issue a revised fatigue management fact sheet accessible to all agencies ahead of the 2021–22 summer season.