A status bar showing the action is complete
Report name
Inquiry into the 2019-20 Victorian Fire Season - Phase 1
Lead agency
DELWP - Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
DEECA - Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Due date
June 2022
IGEM considers that this action has been implemented
Recommendation theme
Recommendation 7: Fuel management tools
Recommendation details

The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (or the single entity referenced in Recommendation 4) lead the development and distribution of evidence-based land and fuel management tools for use by all legislated fuel management organisations to ensure a common approach to fuel management.


The Victorian Government will provide additional funding to support Traditional Owners to lead implementation of the Cultural Fire Strategy.

Summary of progress

The Victorian Traditional Owner Cultural Fire Strategy (Cultural Fire Strategy) was officially launched by the then Minister for Environment, Energy and Climate Change on 10 May 2020. It articulates the aspirations of Traditional Owners to practice cultural burning and ensure knowledge about fire is sustained through generations (also refer to FSIP1 Action 2.1). The strategy is available at ffm.vic.gov.au/fuel-management-report-2018-19/statewide-achievements/cultural-fire-strategy (External link)

The 2021–22 Victorian State Budget provided dedicated funding of $22.5m over four years, with $6.3m ongoing to support Traditional Owners. 

In 2021–22 DELWP finalised agreements for core cultural fire funding, spanning a four-year period, with ten of Victoria’s legally recognised Traditional Owner Groups. DELWP advised that it is continuing to work with an additional legally recognised group to provide funding for their cultural fire pathway. 

DELWP advised that it will continue to seek ongoing funding for long-term implementation of the Cultural Fire Strategy.