2021 |
Investigation into decision making under the Victorian Border Crossing Permit Directions (External link)
An investigation into Victorian Border Crossing Permit Directions introduced to manage the ongoing COVID-19 public health crisis including matters raised by 315 complainants.
The report acknowledges that the decisions to issue the Border Directions during Victoria’s public health emergency were not unjustified or unreasonable, but makes 2 recommendations to remove the complex and constrained bureaucracy which led to some unjust and inhumane outcomes. |
Victorian Ombudsman |
2021 |
Strengthening our health communication systems: pandemic lessons for Melbourne’s west (External link)
An identification of the elements of an effective health communication system, this report draws upon literature from COVID-19 and other pandemic or emergency responses and provides detailed recommendations for regions, governments and local implementers, including considerations for engagement with culturally and linguistically diverse communities. |
Independent |
2021 |
Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry - Progress Report 2020 (External link)
An assessment of progress in implementing recommendations and affirmations from the 2014 and 2015–16 Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry reports. In this report IGEM monitors 11 government actions and 1 recommendation that were reported as ongoing in 2019. The report finds that some actions are close to completion, and others involve complex legislative reforms that require time to fully implement. |
Inspector-General for Emergency Management |
2021 |
Management of International Travel Restrictions during COVID-19 (External link)
An audit conducted to provide independent assurance that Australia’s COVID-19 international travel restrictions have been managed effectively.
The Auditor-General made six recommendations relating to: clearly communicating border clearance processes; planning for future travel restrictions; updating the response plan; obtaining data on quarantine; and better managing travel exemption refusal processes. |
Australian National Audit Office |
2021 |
Infectious Disease Resilience (External link)
A report providing context around the impacts and drivers of zoonotic disease risks as well as introducing areas of focus on further improving Australia’s preparedness for future zoonotic infectious disease outbreaks. |
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation |
2021 |
Creating a Healthy Future: The impact of Victorian Government investment in health and medical research (External link)
An evaluations of Victoria’s systematic investment in the medical research and biotechnology system, it highlights the sector's role in the rapid response to the coronavirus pandemic and how investment across areas such as infectious disease, epidemiology, immunology research, public health and advanced manufacturing and clinical trials capabilities created an environment able to rapidly respond to the coronavirus crisis. |
Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions |
2021 |
COVID-19 procurements and deployments of the National Medical Stockpile (External link)
An audit examining whether COVID-19 procurements to increase the national medical stockpile (NMS) were consistent with the proper use and management of public resources and whether COVID-19 deployments of the NMS were effective.
Key findings were that the procurement processes for the COVID-19 NMS procurements were largely consistent with the proper use and management of public resources, inconsistent due diligence checks of suppliers impacted on procurement effectiveness and record keeping could have been improved and that due to a lack of performance measures, targets and data, the effectiveness of COVID-19 NMS deployments cannot be established. |
Australian National Audit Office |
2021 |
More than a band-aid: Emergency relief in Victoria (External link)
An overview of Victoria's emergency relief sector, drawn from existing research and consultation with emergency relief organisation. The report examines the impacts of the pandemic on the emergency relief sector, and on demand and provision of food relief – as well as the policy responses from both Australian and Victorian governments. The report provides a range of recommendations for both governments to help prevent people falling into financial crisis, and to strengthen the emergency relief sector for the benefit of those who do. |
Victorian Council of Social Service |
2020 |
Inquiry into the Victorian Government's COVID-19 Contact Tracing System and Testing Regime (External link)
A report into to the capacity and fitness for purpose of Victoria's contact tracing system and testing regime, it found that the use of manual data entry processes at the beginning of the pandemic was not fit to deal with any escalation of cases and led to significant error. The report recommended enhancing the public health system towards a more decentralised, community-based approach. |
Parliament of Victoria |
2020 |
COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine Inquiry Interim Report and Recommendations (External link)
An interim report identifying issues emerging from the Hotel Quarantine Inquiry prior to the delivery of the final report and makes recommendations for a Quarantine Program in Victoria as the Victorian Government considers re-opening to international arrivals. |
Board of Inquiry into the COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine Program |