Roll with the Punches - podcast with Tiffanee Cook

"Tony Pearce is taking off this September to clock up 1440km over 50 days, all in the name of raising awareness for the lasting mental health effects that working in trauma and emergency management has on workers in the sectors.

As always, speaking with super humans like Tony who put themselves on the line (and too often pay a heavy price) to do so is my jam. I hope you enjoy the banter too!"


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About Tiffanee

Tiffanee Cook (External link)is an Aussie professional boxer-turned-podcaster, speaker, performance coach and eternal student of life.

Packing a punch through storytelling she invites you to share the journey as she explores all things life and the human experience. From encounters with tragedy, adversity, vulnerability and trauma to unpacking all things mind, body and spirit with some of the greatest minds in the world.