Energy supply disruptions can occur either due to technical failures or major physical damage to infrastructure, such as power plants, transmission or distribution networks.

Gas, electricity and liquid fuel supply losses can contribute to energy supply disruptions.

Examples of significant events in Victoria include:

  • 28 and 29 January 2018 - high demand from sustained high temperatures and humidity overloaded localised electricity network assets causing power outages.
  • 31 January 2020 - severe winds caused damage to eight transmission towers causing blackouts.
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Publish year Assurance activity Summary Organisation
2017 Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market - Blueprint for the Future (External link) An independent review of the national electricity market to take stock of its current security and reliability and to provide advice to governments on a coordinated national reform blueprint. The Blueprint for the Future Security of the National Electricity Market delivers a plan to maintain security and reliability in the National Electricity Market in light of the significant transition underway, including due to rapid technological change. Independent
1999 Report of the Longford Royal Commission (External link) An explosion and subsequent fire at Esso's Longford plant left many Victorians without gas for 19 days. The Royal Commission into the incident concluded that employees were not properly trained, and supervisors and higher management did not have the necessary knowledge to deal with the dangers caused by a pump shutdown. It found that the ultimate cause of the accident was a failure to equip employees with appropriate knowledge to deal with the events that occurred. Independent