The Inspector-General for Emergency Management (IGEM) maintains the Assurance Framework for Emergency Management (the Framework) in accordance with section 64(1)(a) of the Emergency Management Act 2013.

The Framework supports continuous improvement and promotes a coordinated sector-wide approach to assurance. Guided by the Framework and its four principles, Victoria’s emergency management sector will have a more coordinated, less burdensome and more valuable approach to assurance activities such as reviews, evaluations, monitoring and reporting.

In addition, adoption of the Framework and its principles will drive continuous improvement of the emergency management system and contribute towards better outcomes for Victorian communities before, during and after emergencies.

The Framework:

  • outlines what assurance is and what assurance activities are
  • describes the benefits of assurance activities
  • elaborates on the four guiding principles
  • describes a model of complementary assurance roles
  • acknowledges sector organisations’ different assurance capacities and capabilities
  • discusses the use of outcome measurement to assess the extent to which the system is achieving intended outcomes.

While specifically developed for the heads of sector organisations and the staff who perform assurance activities in the emergency management sector, the Framework provides useful information for anyone whose work is the subject of an assurance activity.

The Assurance Framework for Emergency Management was published on 6 September 2019.

Inspector-General for Emergency Management
Victorian Government
Date of Publication

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