A hazard is a source of potential harm. A hazard event is another term for emergency.

Some assurance activities examine system-wide risks that span across multiple hazard types, including reviews into the emergency management functions of sector organisations.

Examples of such assurance activities include the Review of 10 years of reform in Victoria’s emergency management sector and the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements.

All links in the table below will open in a new window.
Publish year Assurance activity Summary Organisation
2024 Relief, recovery and resilience: learning from disasters (External link) Research often tends to focus on engagement and not outcomes when it comes to understanding the role of community organisations in disaster recovery. Best and emerging practices can help communities understand recovery, prepare for recovery, and manage recovery in the aftermath of a disaster. Independent
2024 Better acknowledging and resourcing the information accessibility sector in Australia (External link) An examination of what is needed for good crisis communications for people with disabilities, the report provides recommendations to improve the production of accessible information for people with disability in Australia. Academia
2024 Understanding and Improving Machine Translations for Emergency Communications (External link) An investigation into the use of machine translation in urgent ‘behaviour-change communication’ to improve emergency messaging to multicultural communities. The report provides practical suggestions for how to reduce or avoid machine translation problems and risks, to create more efficient and effective, and culturally appropriate emergency communication strategies. Academia
2024 Managing State-significant risks (External link) State Significant Risks (SSR) can disrupt Victoria's community, economy and environment (including a pandemic, bushfires and cyber-crime). To reduce serious potential impacts in the future, government agencies need to work together to identify relevant SSRs and manage them appropriately Victorian Auditor-General's Office
2024 National resilience for Australia - learning the lessons (External link) A report that highlights lessons drawn from international responses to crisis, it brings together the disciplines of disaster management, defence strategy and national security to examine what an integrated national approach to resilience looks like, and how national resilience thinking can help Australia build more effective and more efficient responses to crisis and change. Australian Strategic Policy Institute
2023 Implementation monitoring of 'Review of 10 years of reform in Victoria's emergency management sector' and 'Inquiry into the 2019-20 Victorian Fire Season – Phase 1’ - Progress Report - 2022 (External link) IGEM's second progress report on the Victorian Government’s implementation of recommendations and actions in response to the Victorian Fire Season Inquiry Phase 1 report and and its 10 Year Review of sector reform. Of the 139 actions committed by the government to address recommendations from the 10 Year Review and Phase 1 report, a further 34 actions have been assessed as complete or closed, leaving 47 actions in progress. Inspector-General for Emergency Management
2023 Victoria’s Critical Infrastructure All Sectors Resilience Report 2022 (External link) A report that identifies key emergency risks, interdependencies and resilience improvement initiatives being addressed collaboratively by industry and government across Victoria’s eight critical infrastructure sectors. The report includes activities completed and emergencies experienced between 1 July 2021 – 30 June 2022. Climate change, natural disasters and cyber security are some of the top risks highlighted across sectors for the following 12-month period. Emergency Management Victoria
2023 Report on Government Services 2023 (D: Emergency Management) (External link) A report that includes detailed information on the equity, effectiveness and efficiency of service provision and the achievement of outcomes for fire services, state and territory emergency, ambulance and police services. Australian Government
2023 Emergency Management Operational Summary 2020-21 (External link) An overview of the major operational events and activities that occurred over the 2020-21 financial year, as well as a range of case studies that focus on operational incidents highlighting both good practice and areas for improvement. Emergency Management Victoria
2023 Emergency Management Operational Review 2017-18 (External link) An overview of the major operational events and activities, it includes narrative, insights and lessons, and case studies highlighting the broad range of emergency management operational activity that occurred during the 2017-18 financial year. Emergency Management Victoria