Do you know how far an ember can travel before starting a new fire?
Victoria is one of the most fire prone areas in the world and bushfires and grassfires are a part of life.
Bushfires and grassfires start quickly, often without warning and they can threaten lives and properties within minutes.
All Victorians need to know how to plan for and respond to fire.
Use the information on CFA's website (External link) to help you plan and prepare for fire, whether you're living, working or travelling in Victoria.
Fire Danger Rating System
Fire danger ratings provide information so that people can take action to protect themselves and others, pets and livestock. The higher the fire danger rating, the more dangerous the conditions, and the more difficult it will be to stop a fire if one starts.
The rating system is the same in each Australian state and territory
You can access up-to-date Fire Danger Ratings and other emergency information on the VicEmergency website (External link) and VicEmergency app.