Fiskville was Victoria’s principal firefighter training facility, from 1972 to March 2015. Training was delivered to thousands of people from the Country Fire Authority, the Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board, government agencies and private companies. It was unique in offering realistic training scenarios to prepare firefighters for real emergencies.

Serious concerns about occupational health and safety practices at Fiskville were reported by the media in 2011, including potential risks from chemicals in the water and foam used during training. These ongoing safety concerns became a major focus for the inquiry.

The inquiry concluded that poor safety practices at Fiskville are likely to have harmed people’s health, highlighting delays by both agencies and regulators in preventing, responding to and managing the potential contamination of the site.

The government supported the recommendations from the inquiry either in full, part or principle and set out 33 commitments to address the recommendations.

This report outlines progress towards the government commitments for the period May 2017 to April 2018.

IGEM found that 16 of the commitments have been completed, 15 are ongoing and two have been closed as no further action is planned.

The Implementation of government commitments in response to the Inquiry into the CFA Training College - Progress Report – 2018 was published on 26 September 2019.

You can access the report from the link at the bottom of this page, or view as a flipbook (External link).

Inspector-General for Emergency Management
Victorian Government
Date of Publication

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