A status bar showing the action is complete
Report name
Inquiry into the 2019-20 Victorian Fire Season - Phase 1
Lead agency
EMV - Emergency Management Victoria
Due date
September 2020
IGEM considers that this action has been implemented
Recommendation theme
Recommendation 1: Preparedness and training
Recommendation details

The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that responder agencies and Emergency Management Victoria review preparedness arrangements to ensure procedural documentation (including plans), recruitment, briefings and training are completed before significant seasonal events are likely to occur.

Seasonal preparedness should culminate in attestations of assurance to confirm that:
a)    documentation reflects relevant risks and potential impacts
b)    briefings and training schedules have been tailored and delivered according to seasonal influences
c)    recruitment strategies enable the engagement of adequate numbers of appropriately skilled personnel for the entire season.



EMV will release the first Victorian SEMP in September 2020, which will articulate Victoria’s preparedness arrangements, including the command and control structures and plans and procedures necessary to efficiently and effectively undertake emergency responses.

Summary of progress

EMV published the first Victorian SEMP in September 2020, which sets out Victoria’s emergency preparedness arrangements and command and control arrangements for emergency response.

Refer to 10 Year Review Action 2.2 on page 33 of IGEM's 2021 progress report for further details.