This is the Inspector-General for Emergency Management’s (IGEM) third annual progress report on the implementation of the Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan (SAP) covering the period 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018.
The SAP steers the vision, strategic priorities, investment and principles for government and the emergency management sector. It is a rolling plan that outlines statewide strategic priorities, with corresponding actions, to support Victoria in achieving its vision of safer and more resilient communities.
The SAP Update #2 2017–20 outlines statewide, strategic priorities, with 31 corresponding actions.
This annual progress report assesses the progress of the 25 actions that were underway during 2017–18. Four actions were already complete before 2017–18 and two actions are not yet commenced.
Significant progress has been made during 2017–18 on implementing the SAP.
IGEM found that 10 actions have been completed in 2017–18. This is the greatest number completed in a single year since the first SAP was published in 2015. In addition, two actions have been closed, with no further activity planned.
Of the 13 actions underway, five are progressing satisfactorily, four are progressing with revised timeframes, three are overdue and one is on hold.
The Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan Update #2 2017–20 – Progress Report 2018 was published on 13 February 2019.
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