A hazard is a source of potential harm. A hazard event is another term for emergency.

Some assurance activities examine system-wide risks that span across multiple hazard types, including reviews into the emergency management functions of sector organisations.

Examples of such assurance activities include the Review of 10 years of reform in Victoria’s emergency management sector and the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements.

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Publish year Assurance activity Summary Organisation
2017 Critical Infrastructure Resilience - Implementation Progress Report 2016 (External link) A report examining the first year of implementation of the new emergency risk management arrangements for critical infrastructure resilience in Victoria that came into came into effect on 1 July 2015, with a particular focus on the outputs required under the Emergency Management Act and the Critical Infrastructure Resilience Strategy. Inspector-General for Emergency Management
2016 Critical Infrastructure All Sectors Resilience Report 2016 (External link) An annual overview of the resilience of Victoria's critical infrastructure sector arrangements, the report outlined key emergency risks and dependencies faced by Victoria's critical infrastructure sectors, and provided an overview of Victoria's eight critical infrastructure sectors. Emergency Management Victoria
2016 Annual Progress Report - Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan 2015–18 (May 2016) (External link) The first annual progress report on the implementation of the Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan (the SAP) covering the first three quarters of 2015–16 (1 July 2015 to 31 March 2016). The SAP, released in July 2015, comprised 30 state-level strategic actions aimed at enhancing Victoria’s emergency management system. Inspector-General for Emergency Management
2016 Emergency Management Operational Review 2015-16 (External link) A report that shares lessons to support the continuous improvement of the sector. The report is divided into three sections: an overview and narrative outlining the operational activities experienced during 2015-16, a range of case studies of operational incidents and an update on the themes and insights identified during 2014-15. Emergency Management Victoria
2015 Natural Disaster Funding (External link) An examination of the efficacy of current national natural disaster funding arrangements, taking into account the priority of effective natural disaster mitigation and the reduction in the impact of disasters on communities. Australian Government
2015 Collaborative Emergency Management: Costs and benefits for Local Government (External link) A review outlining the costs and benefits of collaborative approaches to emergency management from the perspective of Local Governments. Local Government Victoria
2015 Emergency Management Operational Review 2014–15 (External link) A report comprised of two parts:
- Part 1 provided a general overview of the weather and operational activity across 2014–15, as well as a series of case studies designed to identify and share lessons.
- Part 2 provided insights and suggested treatments based on themes identified across 2014–15 to inform continuous improvement.
Emergency Management Victoria
2015 Emergency Service Response Times (External link) An assessment of the accountability of emergency service organisations and the relevant portfolio departments for response time performance. The audit found that there were multiple problems with emergency response time measures, targets and data that prevent Parliament and the public from holding agencies fully to account. Victorian Auditor-General's Office
2014 Emergency Risks in Victoria – Report of the 2012–13 State Emergency Risk Assessment (External link) A report into the results of a state-level emergency risk assessment conducted in Victoria, it contains information about a range of important emergency-related risks, and a comparison of their severity relative to each other. Victorian Government
2010 Business Continuity Management in Local Government (External link) An audit of local government business continuity plans that found plans were unlikely to prove effective in the event of a significant disruption to council services and that risk management practices and governance was in need of strengthening. Victorian Government